145 日 Days
Total Number of 8 sub events
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Alice Cheng 鄭寶穎

This year is the 1st time for me to run for HK Anti-Cancer Society. I am motivated by a colleague of mine and I know people who suffered from cancer indeed need a lot of support from treatments, caring and rehabilitation. Please support me to run and raise funds for HKACS. 今年係我第一次為香港防癌會籌款而跑渣馬,希望獲得你哋嘅支持,你哋嘅捐款將會推動我去跑完呢個賽事。我已經跑咗好多年渣馬,希望今年能夠令到呢次嘅賽事完成得特別有意義。多謝你嘅支持。

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Megan’s Marathon 2025

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書僮陪跑半馬 2025

今年再度為香港防癌會渣打馬拉松賽跑籌款 更加得到太太的支持及參與陪跑半馬21.5公里 希望大家慷慨解囊幫助癌症病人之外 也支持我哋兩位可以安全完成賽事 👏👏👏👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Please support the "Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2025" on behalf of HKACS!

I run to raise fund for HKACS and the services for cancer patients.

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Bob's Fundraising Page

I have again successfully entered the SCHKM 10 Km run, participating under the banner of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS), to be held on Sunday, 09 February 2025. Once again, I will be raising donations for the HKACS and would like to seek your support. If you would like to support this worthy charity, please make your donation through this portal. Many thanks for any support you may give.

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Andrew Laddo’s Marathon

On 9th February 2025, I’ll be putting myself through yet another 0.2 miles of pleasure, and 26 miles of pain, by running another marathon. Any donations, minuscule or great, massively appreciated!

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Go with the Flo 🏃🏻‍♀️

I run to raise funds for the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society :)

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The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

謝謝您的善心支持!一起為癌症患者打打氣! We cannot express enough gratitude for your generous support. Together, let's run for a noble cause and make a difference in the lives of cancer patients!