為「香港防癌會張謝寶英乳癌康復資助計劃」籌款。衷心希望您能慷慨捐助,用愛把愛延續,讓更多的乳癌患者能感受到關愛及得到資助! I sincerely appeal for your kind donation so that we may bless more breast cancer patients in need and help them maintain a good quality of life with dignity during the trying period. 其他捐款方式 Other Donation Methods
I am going to run Half-Marathon on 21 January 2024 at Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024 and hope to raise fund for the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society and the services for cancer patients. I am most grateful for your support!
隨著全球癌症發生率的上升,越來越多人被診斷出患有這種危及生命的疾病。對許多人來說,這種疾病及其治療的副作用可能會隨著時間的推移而持續存在,對他們的人際關係、就業出路、心理和身體健康產生負面的影響. 請支持我參加「渣馬2024」慈善跑,為不幸患上癌症的病人帶來溫暖和希望!
多謝大家上年捐款支持我渣馬10公里跑 今年更進一步半馬21公里 有您的支持我會全力以赴為香港防癌會籌款 幫助其他癌症病人! 多謝大家 記得捐款寫上支持 Dicky Choy
The Wong sisters are running the Standard Chartered Marathon 10k for the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)! Growing up together, Nicole and Desiree are best friends and sisters who have always advocated for physical and mental well-being through healthy lifestyles, exercise and charity. Desiree is a surgical resident frequently working with cancer patients on the front lines, and Nicole is a dispute resolution lawyer who often participates in fundraising events for charities. Desiree is a runner and lacrosse player, whilst Nicole performs aerial arts and plays golf and basketball competitively. This year, they are raising funds for HKACS. Over the past 60 years, HKACS has always been at the forefront of fighting against cancer and showing its commitment to serve the people of Hong Kong. Let's join hands to fight against cancer by advocating, engaging, empowering and supporting all. Nicole, Desiree and HKACS are most grateful for your kind donations.
成為養生教練多年,能協助病患人士回復健康體魄,拾回人生主軸,與家人享受生活是我的使命。 今年有幸認識「防癌協會」, 由「0」跑步開始練習,將於今年2024/2/21 渣打馬拉松出戰「半馬」 21公里賽事 好想集合大家的力量,令起碼協助到2個長期病患者入住癌症康復中心的住院月費
大家好🤗 好一段日子沒有 為跑~為防癌會 公開籌款了 我仍活着 仍在跑 仍為癌患者籌款 今年的半馬 一切準備就緒 雖然仍有欠缺 但我會盡力完成 在此更需要你的支持 給我更大的加油推力 更重要係以行動支持正在與癌症搏鬥的病患們 希望你捐得樂意 施比受更為有福💜
大家好!今年我再次挑戰渣打馬拉松的半馬組別,為的是幫香港防癌會籌款,希望帶點温暖和祝福給每位癌症病患者,更重要的是讓每一位癌症病患者能有更多的支援。 香港癌症病人加油!💪
我們今年也會籌募善款資助香港防癌會, 呼籲大家贊助我能成功完成半馬的籌款行動, 為香港癌病病人籌款, 多多益善少少無拘. 今次只能一個人完成這個跑步籌款, 感恩媽咪已經70歲啦! 多謝大家支持.😘😘😘
Hey guys! Thanks so much for visiting this page! I'm running the Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong Marathon on 21st January, to raise money for Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society. Any donations, no matter how small or large, hugely appreciated!
I am running 渣打香港馬拉松2024 10km on January 21 for raising fund for 香港防癌會
Tammy@adidas CG Spirit 希望藉此支持香港防癌會籌得善款 隨緣樂助 正面而平安的心是良藥 跑步能帶我面對癌呢個字在身心上的態度 以行動證明 開心係可以share嘅🤪
我跑步你捐款~ 感謝支持
I run to support cancer patients and raise fund for Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
thank you for support
I run to raise funds for HKACS :)
Having settled in now here in HK for 15 months, time for a challenge . So I felt it was a idea to do another half marathon and pleased to support HK cancer charity as have plenty of reasons to help this cause
希望藉此支持香港防癌會籌得善款 隨緣樂助 正面而平安的心是良藥 跑步能帶我面對癌呢個字在身心上的態度 以行動證明,未能戰勝也可與甲狀線癌病共存 我也能沒保留地開心分享正能量給每位 開心係可以share嘅🤪